
Find the correct contact person for your request

Friedhelm Kurzenberger
General Manager

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Dominic Korn
Head of Sales

Telephone: +49 7151 205 13-02
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Emilio Maringolo
Sales International

Telephone: +49 7151 205 13-05
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The Telschig Network

Worldwide sales partners allow convenient contact in your time zone.

Telschig in China

Our sister company near Shanghai. From consulting to production – High quality for Greater China.

MueKo Machinery (MCN)
MueKo Machinery (Suzhou) Co., Ltd.
No. 28, Xinchang Road
SIP, 215125, Jiangsu

Sister Company in the US

Located in the South, our colleagues from Mueko Machinery Inc. are available for you when it needs to be on short notice, nationally or a special application.

4110 Tench Road 
Suite E 
Suwanee, GA 30024
+1 678 341 3940